Daily Devotions


Day 32

"A refiner"

Text: Malachi 3:2


There was a popular view of the Messiah. Then there was the Biblical view of the Messiah. They were not exactly the same.

“But who can endure the day of His coming?
And who can stand when He appears?
For He is like a refiner’s fire
And like launderers’ soap.”
Malachi 3:2

1. The popular view

a) This was not elaborated.
b) But it revolved around the idea of a Davidic king.
i) He would be like David.
ii) He would restore the fortunes of Israel.

2. The Biblical view

a)”But who can endure the day of His coming? And who can stand when He appears?”
i) His appearance and coming would be an awesome one.
ii) His Presence was not to be taken lightly.
iii) There must not be presumption.
iv) There should be adequate preparation made.
v) This was what God’s “messenger” would do.
He would prepare the way of the Lord!
b) “For He is like a refiner’s fire”
i) John the Baptiser proclaimed that He would baptise with fire (Matthew 3:11-12).
ii) He will refine (that is, “purify”) with fire.
c) “And like launderers’ soap”
i) He is compared to soap that cleanses.
ii) That which is defiled and impure must be thoroughly cleansed.

3. The fulfilment of this Prophecy

a) John was the messenger who prepared the way of the Lord.
b) Jesus was the Messenger who would refine and cleanse the heart.