Daily Devotions


Day 2


Text: Luke 1:1-4


It would not take very long to actually read Luke 1:1-4. At most it would take a couple of minutes. It would also not take a long time to understand these few verses. What we must seek to do each time we read the Lord’s Word is to inculcate good reading habits. Then will we be able to get so much more out of the text.

Here are some suggestions you might like to try out:-

1. Read for familiarity.

2. Read for a firm understanding of the content.

3. Look for the spirit of the writer the third time round.

4. Consider his intent for writing (In hermeneutical language, this is called “authorial intent”)

5. Let the Word of the Lord impact both your heart and mind. Let a “message” speak to you personally.

6. Pray about making an appropriate response to what you read.

7. Carry out your response made to the Lord after having read the Word of God.

This is how I normally do my devotional reading of the Lord’s Word. The Lord’s Word becomes that much more precious because it becomes “alive” when I seek the Lord Himself, beyond the printed word.


What made Luke desire to write a Gospel so that he could share his faith more effectively? What makes any one possess a burning evangelistic zeal to share the Gospel? Luke shares with us why he felt deeply challenged to do his part in sharing the Gospel:-

1. He was moved by the fact that “many” believers took their faith seriously. They tried their hand at setting in order an account of the life of the Lord Jesus Christ. Luke was one of “many” who had an evangelistic zeal to share the Gospel story.

2. He was obviously impacted by his new-found faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. This was no ordinary faith. Christianity was more than just another religion that beckoned people to embrace it. The Christian faith had one special quality that all others lacked. The key word that separates this faith from others is the word, “FULFILLED.” Many were the prophecies made concerning the birth, life, ministry and death of a Person called Jesus. If those prophecies were indeed fulfilled, then that faith is truly worth studying carefully. If that faith checked out well, then that Gospel must cause the believer to have a deep and burning evangelistic zeal. Luke was one of many who had that burning zeal in his heart.


Would you take time to ponder this question honestly? The first century saw believers deeply committed to understanding their faith, and then sharing it with others lovingly. The twenty-first century seems to see believers contented that they have found faith in Jesus. There does not seem to be any kind of zeal with reference to sharing the Gospel with others.

Can you speak of a burning zeal in your life when it comes to sharing your faith in the Lord Jesus with others? Why do you think that there is no zeal in our hearts, despite the fact that we declare ourselves to be Christians?

As you read Luke 1:1-4 again, try thinking of Luke, a Gentile who was converted to Christianity. He was a professional man, a medical doctor by training, but one who was also deeply committed to telling others about Jesus.

He knew that he had a formidable task ahead of him, if he wanted to share his faith effectively. He must get down to knowing his faith very well first! How could he share his faith powerfully, if he did not have a “perfect” or “mature” understanding of the Christian faith? He undertook to learn as much as he could about the Christian faith. He wanted to equip himself so thoroughly that he would be able to present his faith in the Lord Jesus effectively.


Here are some questions to ponder and pray over:-

1. How well do you know your faith?

2. How well founded is your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ?

3. Is there a lack of desire to know your faith well?

4. Would the above have anything to do with a lack of zeal to bear witness for the Lord?

5. Where do we go from here?

6. What does your heart advise you?