Daily Devotions


Day 21


Day 21 – Luke 1

Text: Luke 1:39-56


What kind of conversation would two ladies expecting their first child, and both sons were destined for great things, have when they meet each other? Would they discuss how they are going to bring up their children? Would they speak of how happy they were that they were specially chosen?

Elizabeth’s burst of spontaneous praise, where she paid tribute to the Lord, was how she began her conversation with Mary. The Holy Spirit filled her heart so completely, that she could not but speak of the Lord!

Mary in response also broke forth in a wonderful poem, often called “The Magnificat” (Luke 1:46-55). Her hymn of praise is worth studying in some detail, for in this poem, we will catch further glimpses of why Mary was chosen to be the mother of Baby Jesus.



The opening words of Mary, in her personal hymn of praise reminds us of what King David write in Psalm 34:1-2. When Mary heard the words of praise and encouragement from Elizabeth, her spirit soared. Her faith in the word of the angel Gabriel was confirmed! It was true. “Blessed is she who believed, for there will be fulfillment…” Yes, she did believe that there will be fulfillment of the words of the angel Gabriel!

Her spirit could not help but cry out to the Lord. Her heart sought to find adequate words to praise this great God of hers. She must have known the ancient psalms, for the words of the psalmist David came to her lips now, to help her find expression for what she felt deep within her soul.

“I will bless the Lord the Lord at all times
His praise shall continually be in my mouth
O Magnify the Lord with me
Let us exalt His Name together…” Psalm 34.1,3

How similar were her thoughts. Her soul wanted to offer praise continually to the Lord to… and thus she uttered the famous opening lines of The Magnificat…

“My soul magnifies the Lord,
And my spirit has rejoiced in God, my Saviour” Luke 1:46-47

How often do we offer such words of praise to the Lord? How often do we have the Spirit of God to fill us to this extent? Let us be challenged to make praise a very real part of our life! May we always be able to offer praise to the Lord, as we reflect on all the Lord’s blessings in our life. Let us train our souls to say, “Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy Name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits” (Psalm 103:1-2). Let us be deeply challenged to offer spontaneous worship such as that which Mary exemplified. There should be many of such expressions of spontaneous expressions of praise and thanksgiving in our life.

2. DEEP HUMILITY Luke 1:48-49

As we reflect on the Lord’s goodness poured out on our lives, what thoughts fill our mind? Mary’s heart and mind were filled with deep humility. She maintained that she was nothing but “His maidservant” (Luke 1:48; Cf Luke 1:38). She felt that she was totally unworthy of the honour that the Lord had bestowed upon her. She felt that her station in life was but a “lowly state” (Luke 1:48).

We are reminded of how King David felt when he received a special message from the Lord through His servant Nathan the prophet (Cf. 2 Sam.7). David sat before the Lord and cried out,

“Who am I, O Lord God? And what is my house, that You have brought
me this far?”
And yet this was a small thing in Your sight, O Lord God; And You have
Also spoken of Your servant’s house for a great while to come.
Is this the manner of man, O Lord God? 2 Sam. 7:18-19

It is wonderful to be greatly blessed by the Lord. It is important that we maintain the humblest opinion of ourselves as possible, before a great and awesome God! Do we have the heart and mind of a “servant” before the Lord! The world emphasizes “self-esteem” or “self- worth”! The Scriptures teach us true and deep humility!


Let us check our hearts before the Lord. Let us reflect and examine our spirits humbly! Are we filled with ourselves? Should we not seek to be filled with the Lord instead?

Let us pray that the Lord would teach us how to make praise a very definite part of our life. Let us also train ourselves to have truly humble hearts before the Lord.