Daily Devotions


Day 298

John 19:1-16 "AT WITS' END"

Day 298 – John 19


Pilate was at his wits’ end. Jesus had spoken to Him about “truth”. But he differed from Jesus with reference to “the truth”. Whereas Jesus spoke of truth as something definite and absolute, Pilate depended on his wits and expediency to get by in life. It seemed difficult to accept and live by the truth. He looked at where the preaching and teaching of the truth got Jesus! He knew that the chief priests and elders did not like “the truth” that Jesus proclaimed. The price to pay for believing in the truth, and living by it, was way too high! Pilate preferred to live by his wits. The problem was that all too soon he would come to the end of his wits! What should he do next, if he could not maneuver and negotiate anymore? Living by the principle of truth may seem hard, but living by sinful variable human standards is worse!


Pilate was faced with a terrible dilemma. How should he choose? He had tried to find a suitable alternative, but all his efforts were in vain. The Jews had only one determination. They wanted Pilate to endorse what they had already pre-determined. They wanted Jesus convicted and crucified. There were no alternatives as far as they were concerned!

The frustrated Roman governor wanted Jesus released but no matter what he tried, he failed to placate the wrath of the Jews. The chief priests and elders had gathered a multitude with them. They were prepared for a showdown with Pilate if he did not support their cause.

Pilate knew the veiled threat the Jews were implying! They would lobby the Roman emperor to recall Pilate by making false reports against the governor. Pilate had just seen the depth of wickedness of the Jews. He knew that these vicious enemies could indeed adversely affect his career path! He was not prepared to take such risks – just to save someone he did not know, a prisoner he had just met!


Pilate knew that he had to come to a formal decision. John noted carefully how Pilate went about formally declaring his decision.

“When Pilate therefore heard that saying, he
brought Jesus out and sat down in the judgment
seat in a place that is called The Pavement,
but in Hebrew, Gabbatha. Now it was the
Preparation Day of the Passover, and about
the sixth hour. And he said to the Jews,
‘Behold, your king!'”
John 19:13-14

All this while, Jesus was in the Praetorium. The Jews refused to enter his Praetorium, because that meant defiling themselves. To enter into the home of a Gentile would render them ceremonially unclean, and they wanted to celebrate their Passover. Pilate shuttled back and forth, for at least three times! He even sent Jesus and the Jews to Herod for a second opinion.

The trial had gone long enough. The Jews had been there since the early morning hours. It was now about the sixth hour! The trial had gone on for about six hours already. The Jews did not want the trial to be further prolonged, for that would mean that the case would have to be postponed till after the Passover celebration! They forced the hand of Pilate unmercifully. They wanted Jesus pronounced guilty and sentenced to death by crucifixion, no less! They wanted that announcement to be made now!

It was now time to bring Jesus to face His accusers once again! Pilate, knowing that he was forced into a corner that did not allow him any room for maneuver, attempted to make the best of his difficult situation. If nothing else, he would humiliate these hypocritical Jews. He could at least do that!

He had his soldiers place his Judgment Seat in The Pavement. In normal circumstances, Pilate would try a person and give sentence in the Praetorium. But since the Jews refused to enter into the Praetorium, he had to bring the court room into a more public place. This was called ‘Gabbatha’ among the Jews.

Pilate went to his Judgment Seat, relishing every moment of it. He would make the Jews suffer as long as he could. He would not give them the satisfaction of knowing how he would decide till the very last moment. He would not let them know that they had succeeded in forcing his hand. How would he decide? The Jews held their breath. Would Pilate risk everything and set Jesus free? What would they do if he did indeed decide to release Jesus? Should they riot? Even if they wanted to report to Caesar and complain against Pilate that would take months before anything is settled. How would Pilate decide? The Jews were not sure, for they had seen Pilate vacillating for the last several hours. They had already spent so much time standing outside the Praetorium! How would Pilate decide?

The wily Roman governor began with carefully chosen words. Just a while ago he began with these words,

“Behold the Man!”
John 19:5

Now Pilate declared,

“Behold your King!”
John 19:14

The crowd responded as they had been done on the previous occasion. They repeated the same deadly chant.

“Away with Him, away with Him! Crucify Him!”
John 19:15

Pilate knew what he was doing! He would not be robbed of the pleasure of insulting the Jews! Did not Jesus say that those who delivered Him had committed the greater sin? Then let these hypocrites sin greatly by demanding the death of their king!