Daily Devotions


Day 246

John 16 : 16 - 33 "A NAÃ??VE RESPONSE"

Day 246 – John 16


As the Disciples listened to Jesus speaking about the Father, they responded with these words.

“See, now You are speaking plainly,
and using no figure of speech! Now we are sure
that You know all things, and have no need that
anyone should question You. By this we believe
that You came forth from God.”
John 16:29-30

Had the Disciples really understood Jesus? Let us recall what Jesus said to His Disciples.

“These things I have spoken to you in figurative
language; but the time is coming when I will no
longer speak to you in figurative language,
but I will tell you plainly about the Father.”
John 16:25

Jesus was speaking about His post-resurrection ministry. He had not entered into that ministry yet. Nevertheless, the Disciples virtually contradicted what Jesus said by their response! They declared that they had understood Jesus. They insisted that He had been speaking plainly enough for them to understand. We may enumerate what they said to Jesus along these lines.

1. The words of Jesus had been understood fully.

2. His words were not as “figurative” as Jesus had thought. His teachings were plain and simple to understand.

3. They were sure about who Jesus was. There was therefore no need for anyone to “question Him”.

4. They had always believed that God had sent Jesus, and thus they had followed Him as His Disciples.

The response of the Disciples seemed to indicate that they really had understood their Teacher. But did they know themselves as well as Jesus knew them? Did they really understand all that they had been taught?


Jesus was not fazed by what His Disciples said. He was the Divine Teacher. He was the Lord. Certainly, He knew His Disciples far better than they knew themselves. He replied to the outburst of His Disciples.

“Do you now believe? Indeed the hour is coming, yes,
has now come, that you will be scattered,
each to his own, and will leave me alone.
And yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me.’
John 16:31-32

The time was not suitable for further discussion on the subject of their beliefs. Jesus knew exactly how they would respond when the hour of His arrest came. They would be scattered. Despite their avowal of faith in Him, He knew that fear would grip their hearts, and they would be scattered. Each disciple would flee for his life!


The Disciples sought to assure Jesus that they had enough faith to stay with Him to the bitter end. But Jesus knew better. He must have appreciated their sentiments. However, feelings cannot be equated with strength of faith.

Jesus knew that He would be physically left alone. Yet, the deep truth was that He would not be alone. His Father would always be there with Him. His Presence would be sufficient to give Him all the comfort and strength that He would need in the dark hour of His suffering.


Jesus had come to the end of His teaching. He had taught them all that His Father had given Him to say. The last words must now be spoken. What precious words these were. What grace and love exuded from them.

“These things I have spoken to you,
that in Me you may have peace.
In the world, you will have tribulation;
but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33

The last few words of Jesus may be summarized thus:-

1. The teachings of Jesus

Jesus had spoken many deep truths (John 13-16 in particular). The Disciples would be well advised to give much attention to all that they had been taught.

2. Peace

Their hearts were troubled. They need not pretend that they were “all right”. They would find peace to their troubled hearts through meditating on the teachings of Jesus.

3. The world

As He had mentioned earlier, the world would be hostile to them. They would experience tribulation in the world. However, they need to know that Jesus had overcome the world!

4. Joy

The Disciples need not be gripped by fear and despair. Jesus had overcome the world. Thus they may be “of good cheer”.

5. Jesus

Yes, the Disciples had a genuine faith in Jesus. But they did not have a deep faith in Him yet. Their sorrow and even their failure would enable them to emerge stronger!