Daily Devotions


Day 31

"You have faith and I have works."

Text: James 2:18


James knew that there were some who would persist in arguing that faith does not need to express itself in works. He had an answer to this.

“But someone will say, ‘You have faith, and I have works.’
Show me your faith without your works,
and I will show you my faith by my works.”
James 2:18

1. “But someone will say”

a) James was aware of some who would disagree with his teaching of what constitutes “true faith”.
i) James argued that “true faith” will naturally result in works.
ii) He had also declared that faith without works is nothing more than “dead faith”.
b) The argument from the detractor may be put in this manner.
i) Faith is simply “faith” and it does not need to express itself in works.
ii) Works are just works. Faith and works are not related as James had argued.

2. “Show me your faith without works”

a) James dares the objector to “show” his faith without works.
b) The word “show” includes the following connotations:
i) To prove
ii) To demonstrate
c) The person who takes this position must be able to come up with hard solid proof.
i) Biblically
ii) Theologically
d) James knew that this argument was at best hypothetical and cannot be proven.

3. “And I will show you my faith by my works”

a) There was a time when James did not have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
b) He was sceptical and critical at that time (John 7: 3-5).
c) Then James came to faith in the Lord Jesus and that changed everything.
d) He was ready to offer not just a definition of “true faith” but proof in his personal life.
i) He served the Church in a prominent manner (Acts 15:13-21).
ii) James had become a teacher of the Word of God and a contributor to the New Testament (The Epistle of James).