Daily Devotions


Day 354

"The LORD bless you and keep you..."

Text: Numbers 6:24


There are many beautiful benedictions recorded in the Bible. Benedictions are essentially “pronounced blessings”. This is a heart-warming doctrine to study. A good knowledge of Benedictions would help us appreciate the pronouncement of blessings!


The ancient Aaronic blessing was one of the earliest examples of how Benedictions were uttered. The Lord Himself taught Aaron how he may pronounce a blessing upon Israel.

“Speak to Aaron and his sons, saying,
‘This is the way you shall bless the children of Israel.
Say to them:
‘The LORD bless you and keep you;
The LORD make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The LORD lift up His countenance upon you
And give you peace.’
So they shall put My name on the children of Israel,
And I will bless them.”
Numbers 6:23-27

The following are the features of this Aaronic blessing:-

1. Prescribed by the Lord Himself

The significance of this benediction was that it was personally given by the Lord Himself.

2. Proclamation of the Lord’s Name

a) Three times the name of “The LORD” was mentioned.
b) God’s name invoked in this manner would result in definite blessing.

3. Promise of blessing

There is no mistaking the Lord’s strong commitment to bless even as His name is invoked in Benediction! (“And I will bless them” Cf. Numbers 6:27b)

4. Powerful contents of blessing included the following:

a) God’s keeping and His favour (“make His face shine upon you” Cf. Numbers 6:25).
b) God’s grace and peace (associated with “Lift up His countenance upon you” Cf. Numbers 6:26).