Daily Devotions


Day 307

Psalm 116:1 "I love the LORD, because He has heard my voice and my supplications."


How should we understand Moses’ use of the word “remember” in his impassioned intercessory prayer?

1. What it does not mean

There are two things that we must immediately rule out! Moses could not have use the word in the following ways!

a) As emotional blackmail!
That would be wrong morally! This approach would have rendered his prayer useless immediately!
b) As a reminder
God does not forget and therefore does not need reminders!

2. What it could mean

There are a number of things that may be suggested! Three things may be said.

a) In the context of a Plea
The word “remember” must be read and understood in the context of the fact that Moses was pleading with the Lord in prayer. Thus to use the word “remember” is still a plea, essentially.
b) In the context of Exploring avenues for Mercy to be extended
Moses did not assume that every single prayer he offered would be answered. His approach to prayer was one of exploration and of experimentation. Could he indeed plead “remembrance of God’s promise” to their forefathers?
c) In the context of God’s love for Abraham, Isaac and Israel
The word “remember” is more than just another word. It was a well-known fact that God loved Abraham and was His friend! The history of the patriarch was dotted by ugly incidents. Isaac did not amount to a whole lot. Jacob had a terrible past! But God out of His love and mercy not only forgave them, but granted them much grace and continued to show them lovingkindness! Could not that same love be shown to erring, foolish Israel who had been unfaithful to the Lord?


Would God hear this plea of Moses? Would his prayer efforts be sufficient to turn away the wrath of God? To his great relief, God heard all his pleas and granted a most gracious answer.

“So the LORD relented from the harm which He said
He would do to His people.”
EXODUS 32:14