Daily Devotions


Day 91

"Wisdom gives life to those who have it"

Text: Ecclesiastes 7:12


Wisdom has many features that are to be deeply appreciated. Solomon highlighted some aspects of wisdom that are a boon to life.

“For wisdom is a defense as money is a defense,
But the excellence of knowledge is that
wisdom gives life to those who have it.”
Ecclesiastes 7:12

1. “For wisdom is a defense as money is a defense”

a) Defense is needed to forestall and withstand an enemy’s attack.
b) Money is needed to build a strong defense system.
c) Wisdom is presented as a defense and appropriately so.

2. The vagaries of life

a) Unexpected things happen.
b) Untoward things also happen.
c) And if we are not prepared, we could succumb to the vagaries of life.

3. Wisdom offers a good defense

a) It makes one mentally more prepared.
b) Wisdom enables one to find solutions to life’s problems.
c) We are able to cope better with the challenges of life if we have wisdom.

4. “But the excellence of knowledge is that wisdom gives life to those who have it”

a) Wisdom is tied in with knowledge.
b) Excellence of knowledge:
i) There is basic knowledge.
ii) There is also excellence of knowledge.
iii) Excellence of knowledge is what we must pursue.
c) A definite blessing is that it gives life to those who have it.
i) There are those who have life but do not know how to utilise it well.
ii) Excellence of knowledge will result in wisdom.
iii) A deeper and sharper wisdom will enable a person to make better use of his life.
iv) Life on earth is too short to waste.
v) Life must be seen as precious and wisdom must be found and employed to make our life count for so much more.

May we be challenged to seek excellence of knowledge that will give us deeper wisdom!