Daily Devotions


Day 86

"Oppression destroys a wise man's reason"

Text: Ecclesiastes 7:7


Solomon highlighted two things that could affect a person in a deadly way. These problems were not limited to the ancient days.

“Surely oppression destroys a wise man’s reason,
And a bribe debases the heart.”
Ecclesiastes 7:7

1. “Surely oppression destroys a wise man’s reason”

a) The problem of oppression:
i) It may appear in many forms.
ii) There is a suppression of people.
iii) Many are victimised.
iv) Much suffering has to be endured.
b) The wise man’s reason:
i) He cannot fathom why people resort to oppression.
ii) He does not understand how people can become wicked.
iii) In time, he may even lose his reason.
iv) Mentally and psychologically, he can collapse under the strain of oppression.

2. “And a bribe debases the heart”

a) On the other hand, there is the problem of bribery.
b) Some resort to bribery to get things (often illegally).
c) What effects could bribery have on the heart?
d) To put things bluntly, the heart is debased.
i) Principles are abandoned.
ii) The sense of right and wrong is set aside.
iii) The heart is so debased it only thinks of how much money he can make through bribery.

3. A whole nation can be affected adversely

a) People become demoralised.
b) Those who are powerful and rich would influence many things (and often adversely).
c) The poor and needy are the ones who would suffer most.

Our challenge is to pray for our leaders. Another challenge is to uphold justice and practise righteousness!