Daily Devotions


Day 23

"For what has man for all his labour"

Text: Ecclesiastes 2:22


In many countries, one of the oldest adages passed down from one generation to another is the virtue of working very hard. It was something that Solomon must have learned too. It is good and sound advice. But when one is filled with despair, ancient words of wisdom may not be enough!

“For what has man for all his labour,
and for the striving of his heart
with which he has toiled under the sun?”
Ecclesiastes 2:22

1. “For what has man for all his labour…?”

a) Man will labour for some kind of reward in return.
b) Some rewards many look forward to:
i) Monetary rewards
ii) Recognition
iii) Promotion
c) What if he has these rewards? Would that bring lasting satisfaction?

2. “And for the striving of his heart…?”

a) The striving of the heart could indicate:
i) Interest
ii) Passion
b) The individual may be highly motivated.
c) He works hard because he likes what he is doing.
d) He does not look for monetary rewards.
e) But would this approach bring lasting joy?

3. “With which he has toiled under the sun?”

a) No matter the motivation for work, in reality there will always be “toil”.
b) No work we do would be easy.
c) Every field of work requires “toil”:
i) In the fields.
ii) In the office.
iii) In positions of leadership.
d) Would all the toil put in bring the desired satisfaction in life?

4. What has man… at the end of his life?

a) This was the deep question.
b) The sense of despair cannot be set aside easily by any means.