Daily Devotions


Day 153

"A feast is made for laughter"

Text: Ecclesiastes 10:19


Solomon made many personal observations in his studies of human behaviour. He also included “common sayings” used by people. Sometimes, it is difficult to distinguish his personal thoughts and “common sayings”.

“A feast is made for laughter,
And wine makes merry;
But money answers everything.”
Ecclesiastes 10:19

1. Common sayings arise from general observations of life.

2. Three things may be cited as “common sayings”.

a) The feast

b) Wine

c) Money

3. “A feast is made for laughter”

a) A person holds a feast for a number of reasons.

b) A common observation about people who feast.

c) Generally, there is “laughter”.

i) It represents merriment.

ii) It may also speak of lightheartedness.

d) A feast celebrates a joyous occasion.

4. “And wine makes merry”

a) In a feast, there is almost always, wine.

b) The consumption of wine makes people feel merry.

c) Thus, a common saying arose, “Wine makes merry”.

5. “But money answers everything”

a) This represents a common view among many.

b) It matches or complements a common modern day saying, “Cash is king”.

c) However, this common saying does not mean that it represents Biblical teaching!

d) In the Scriptures, there are many strongly worded texts that warn people of:

i) Coveting riches

ii) Pursuing of wealth


1. These common sayings do not really match his own personal thoughts.

2. One over-riding saying of his was “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity”.
If this is held, then the above three statements are better understood as “common sayings”.

3. Solomon had already commented on the subject of wealth (Ecclesiastes 2). To him, money did not answer everything.