Daily Devotions


Day 143

"He who quarries stones may be hurt by them"

Text: Ecclesiastes 10:9


Proverbial sayings are often drawn from the ordinary things of life. Even the humble workplaces of life offer bits and pieces of wisdom to the observant person.

“He who quarries stones may be hurt by them,
And he who splits wood may be endangered by it.”
Ecclesiastes 10:9

1. “He who quarries stones may be hurt by them”

a) Quarrying of stones was an old profession.

i) This required manual labour.

ii) It did not pay well.

iii) But it was an honest job.

b) Industrial accidents may occur.

i) This was the word of wisdom given.

ii) The person who quarries stones must take great care.

iii) Accidents can happen and people may be injured.

c) This word of wisdom would apply to the following:

i) The employer

ii) The supervisor

iii) The worker

d) Sufficient care must be taken:

i) To protect the workers.

ii) To prevent nasty accidents.

e) Wisdom must be applied in the workplace.

f) This is a proverbial saying that is still applicable today.

2. “And he who splits wood may be endangered by it”

a) Carpentry was an ancient profession.

b) The carpenter works with sharp tools.

i) He may have to fell trees.

ii) He will have to split the wood.

iii) He will have to use much caution to prevent accidents from occurring.

c) This proverbial saying would apply:

i) To the self-employed.

ii) To the apprentice in training.

d) It would also apply to an owner.

i) He would have to give strict rules to the supervisors and workers.

ii) Wisdom must prevail in the matter of caring for all workers.