Daily Devotions

40 Days and 40 Nights

40 Days and 40 Nights 
Day 22

"Then the devil took Him up into the holy city..."

Text: Matthew 4:5


The Devil knew that he could not persuade Jesus to turn the stones into bread. He decided that he would attempt what Jesus did… quote the Scriptures! But in order to do that the Evil One took Jesus to the top of the Temple in Jerusalem.

“Then the devil took Him up into the holy city,
set Him on the pinnacle of the temple,
and said to Him, ‘If You are the Son of God,
throw Yourself down. For it is written:
“He shall give His angels charge over you,” and,
“In their hands they shall bear you up,
Lest you dash your foot against a stone.”‘”
Matthew 4:5-6

1. The setting

a) The pinnacle of the temple.
b) This would be about 45 stories high above the Kidron valley.

2. “For it is written”

a) The Devil was not afraid to cite the Scriptures.
b) He did have some knowledge of the Holy writ.
c) He cited this text taken from Psalm 91:11-12.

3. The Devil’s quotation of the Scriptures

a) What it does not mean.
i) That he believed in the Scriptures.
ii) That he was doing Jesus a favour, reminding Him of the protection of the angels.
b) What it does mean.
i) He wants to know just how well Jesus knew the Scriptures.
ii) He wants to know how Jesus would apply the Scriptures in His life.
iii) He wanted to tempt Jesus to abuse His position as the Son of God.

4. The ministry of angels

a) They were close by.
b) They watched the Lord Jesus.
c) But would they come to the rescue of Jesus if He were to throw Himself down from the pinnacle of the temple?