Daily Devotions

3 John

3 John 
Day 14

"Demetrius has a good testimony..."

Text: 3 John 12


Thank God that evil does not prevail. Evil may infiltrate the church but there are those who can stem the tide of evil. The Apostle John happily pointed out a wonderful contrast in a man called Demetrius.

“Demetrius has a good testimony from all, and from the truth itself.
And we also bear witness, and you know that our testimony is true.”
3 John 12

1. “Demetrius has a good testimony from all”

a) Diotrephes and Demetrius were being compared and contrasted.
b) “Demetrius”
i) He had a good testimony.
ii) All who knew Demetrius spoke well of him.
iii) This is in stark contrast to Diotrephes.

2. “And from the truth itself”

a) The reference to the word “truth” in John’s context would be the teachings of Christ.
b) The life and deeds of Demetrius accords with the truth that the Lord Jesus taught.

3. “And we also bear witness”

a) John offers his testimony.
b) Those in the company of John bore similar witness.

4. “And you know that our testimony is true”

a) John was staking his name and reputation to this testimony.
b) John’s consistency would become his asset.
i) John was known for preaching and teaching the truth.
ii) He counted on Gaius to be able to at least discern this fact.
iii) The joint witness of John and company must say something to Gaius.


It is inevitable that we must take sides at times. This was the situation Gaius found himself in.

1. Diotrephes

He may be influential in the church but he was evil. He must be resisted. Evil must not be allowed to prevail in the church!

2. Demetrius

He may be less influential. However, he had won with a good testimony. If there was a leadership tussle, then the choice must be made for the person who has proven himself well. Demetrius was obviously the better choice between the two. Gaius must exercise discernment and choose to imitate that which is good!