Daily Devotions

3 John

3 John 
Day 12

"I will call to mind his deeds..."

Text: 3 John 10


The Apostle John must have been quite senior in age at the time of his writing 3 John. Two things may be cited to prove this: –

1. John called himself “The Elder” (3 John 1).

2. Gaius was his spiritual son (3 John 4).

Though John was now much older, he was still committed to defending the truth and the Church.


John shared with Gaius the line of action that he would take when he confronts Diotrephes.

1. Calling to mind

a) John must first do his homework.
b) He must take note of all the negative actions taken by Diotrephes.

2. The wicked deeds of Diotrephes listed: –

a) Use of malicious words
i) To castigate John and his co-workers.
ii) To challenge John’s authority and ministry.
b) His refusal to receive the brethren.
i) Diotrephes had a list of people he had blacklisted.
ii) He refused to receive the brethren associated with the Apostle John.
iii) This would include the missionaries John wrote about in 3 John 6-8.
iv) This was a personal deed of Diotrephes.
c) Forbidding people to receive the brethren.
i) Diotrephes went further.
ii) He forbade others to receive John and his co-workers.
d) Putting people out of the Church.
i) Diotrephes ex-communicated all who stood up for John.
ii) Those who opposed him were similarly put out of the church.


Obviously, Diotrephes had abused his authority in the Church. He may have been entrusted with certain leadership responsibilities. But it was obvious that he was out of line and he was guilty of abusing his position in the church. John would confront this powerful but wicked church leader with full apostolic authority. This was not a time for cowardly silence. John must confront and discipline Diotrephes!