Daily Devotions

1 Timothy

1 Timothy 
Day 67

"Give attention..."

Text: 1 Timothy 4:13


The apostle Paul gave wise advice as to how Timothy may cultivate daily spiritual disciplines.

“Till I come, give attention to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine.”

1 Timothy 4:13

1. “Till I come”

a) Timothy was asked to stay in Ephesus for ministry (1 Timothy 1:3).
b) Paul had to go to Macedonia (1 Timothy 1:3).
c) Ministry plans
i) Timothy was not going to be left to minister in Ephesus by himself.
ii) Paul had planned to return to minister alongside.
iii) The church at Ephesus was founded by Paul.
iv) He had a strong relationship with the leaders of the church (Acts 20:17-38).
d) Paul was anticipating returning to Ephesus in the near future.


2. “Give attention”

a) This admonition must be fully comprehended.
b) What “give attention” means:
i) To be very watchful.
ii) To pay very close attention.
iii) Neglect is out of the question.


3. Areas that must be given full attention

a) “To reading”

This is a reference to reading the Scriptures publicly.

b) “To exhortation”
i) Encouragement
ii) Timothy must come alongside members of the church to do this effectively.
c) “To doctrine”
i) Doctrines are deep and profound.
ii) Much attention must be devoted to mastering doctrine.
iii) Skills must be cultivated to teach doctrine effectively.