Daily Devotions

1 Peter

1 Peter 
Day 36

"The chief cornerstone"

Text: 1 Peter 2:7


The Apostle Peter had become skilled in handling the Scriptures. He went on to cite another portion of the Scriptures

“Therefore, to you who believe, He is precious;
but to those who are disobedient,
‘The stone which the builders rejected
Has become the chief cornerstone.'”
1 Peter 2:7

1. A Messianic Psalm

a) The text cited was from Psalm 118:22.
b) This is known as a Messianic Psalm.
i) It has reference to the Messiah.
ii) This would be fulfilled by the Lord Jesus as the Messiah.

2. Two groups of people were cited

a) The believers
i) They have come to put their trust in Jesus.
ii) They know that He is indeed all that the Scriptures have said about Him.
iii) To the believers, Jesus is indeed precious.
b) The non-believers
i) Peter called them “disobedient”.
ii) He probably had in mind those who had opposed the Lord Jesus when He ministered on earth.
iii) He had also encountered them again and again in his ministry.
iv) They continued to persecute believers.
v) They rejected Jesus as Saviour.
vi) They were disobedient to the Lord and the Scriptures.

3. The Messianic prophecy

a) “The stone which the builders rejected”
i) This was the living stone.
ii) This was a reference to the Lord Jesus Christ.
iii) The builders would be a reference to the religious leaders in the days of the Lord Jesus Christ.
iv) They had repeatedly rejected Jesus.
v) They denied that His power to heal came from God.
vi) They opposed Him in every way they could.
vii) The final rejection came when they put Him to death.
b) “Has become the chief cornerstone”
i) God raised Jesus from the dead.
ii) He chose Jesus to be the chief cornerstone.
iii) All believers are living stones who are to form the Body of Christ.
iv) Jesus would be the foundation and the chief cornerstone.
v) He would always have pride of place in the Church.