Daily Devotions

1 John

1 John 
Day 31

"All that is in the world..."

Text: 1 John 2:16


There was a specific elaboration of what “the world” means! The following text highlights three deadly aspects of the world that threaten to ensnare believers.

“For all that is in the world- the lust of the flesh,
the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life-
is not of the Father but is of the world.”
1 John 2:16

1. For all that is in the world

a) The word “all” is inclusive.
b) Too many things to be included in this short discussion.
c) Three things were highlighted.

2. The word “lust”

a) The word “lust” is highly descriptive: –
i) “Inordinate desire”

ii) “Strong sense of covetousness”

b) The word “lust” was used purposefully.
i) To indicate the nature of the problem.

ii) To indicate the depth of the problem.

3. “The lust of the flesh”

a) The word “flesh” simply describes the “physical part” of the human being.
b) The second element of the human being is “the soul” (sometimes referred to as “the spirit”).
c) The flesh is essentially: –
i) Carnal
ii) Prone to sin
iii) Weak
d) The world knowing the weakness of the flesh will seek to tempt it.


How do we protect ourselves from the world? This is an important thought we would do well to consider most carefully!

1. We must recognise the world and its temptations.

2. We must learn never to love the world but to desire to be filled with the love of God instead!