Sunday School Special : Lesson 70

Text: John 6:1-15
25 July 2021


Text: John 6:1-15

Subject: Evangelism

Focus:  Ministering to Multitudes


1. What does it take to practise Evangelism successfully?

a) Many factors
b) These must be understood carefully
c) They must be analysed candidly

2. For the Lord Jesus the following things:

a) The Love of God (John 3)
i) Love from God
ii) Love for God
iii) Working together (Father-Son)
b) The Love for the souls of mankind
i) Individuals
ii) Multitudes
iii) Compassion
“Moved with compassion” Matthew 9:36 (Matthew 15:32)
c) Knowledge 
i) Of God
ii) of Judgment
iii) Of Salvation
iv) Of the New Birth
v) Of a Changed Life
vi) Of an abundant Life
d) Faith 
i) Desire to impart faith
ii) Determination to reach out
iii) Dynamism of a Faith-filled life
e) Power
i) Of the Holy Spirit
ii) Power in Personal Life
iii) Power in Ministry


1. The Lack of Faith

First Storm  

a) Matthew 8:23-27
“Why are you fearful, O you of little faith” Matthew 8:26
b) Mark 4:35-41
 “How is it that you have no faith?” Mark 4:40 
c) Luke 8:22-25
“Where is your faith?” Luke 8:25
d) The Lack of Faith
i) Affects many things
ii) Affects being able to share our faith confidently

2. The problem of Fear

Second Storm

a) John 6:15-21
“It is I; do not be afraid” John 6:20
b) Matthew 14:22-33
“Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid” Matthew 14:27
c) Mark 6:45-52
“Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid” Mark 6:50
d) Fear
i) Robs confidence
ii) Undermines faith
iii) Weakens resolve

3. The problem of Doubt

To Peter:

“O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” Matthew 14:31

a) Causes one to sink
b) Affects stability
c) Makes a person flounder
d) Doubts can hit anyone

4. The Problem of a Lack of Understanding

“For they had not understood about the loaves” Mark 6:52a

a) Affects the ability to share confidently
i) Lack of knowledge is limitative
ii) Lack of knowledge affects adversely
b) Affects our desire to share our faith with knowledge and wisdom
i) There is little desire
ii) There is little determination 
iii) There is little drive
c) A lack of Knowledge 
i) This can be resolved through cultivation of knowledge
ii) The solution lies with the individual and not with God

5. The problem of a hardened heart

“Because their heart was hardened” Mark 6:52b

a) There is no compassion
b) There is poor comprehension of the ministry of evangelism
c) This matter must be resolved


1. Observations

a) The need to share the Gospel effectively is obvious
b) The desire and the ability to evangelize is sadly lacking

2. We must bring our problems to the Lord

3. We must pray that God would help us resolve these problems